Supervisory Board

  • Mag. Christa Geyer (Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board)
  • DI Kathrin Renz (Deputy Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board)
  • DI Wolfgang Anzengruber
  • DI Dr. Harald Frey
  • Martha Schultz
  • Mag.a Ana Simic

Employee representatives

  • Martin Pretterhofer
  • Christian Petz
  • Gerlinde Mattanovich

Supervisory Board of the individual companies

  • Mag. Hartwig Hufnagl (Chairman of the Supervisory Board)
  • DI Herbert Kasser (Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board)
  • DI Mag. Anna Huditz
  • Mag. Karin Rathkolb
  • Laura Fariello, MA

Employee representatives

  • DI Gerlinde Mattanovich
  • Ing. Patricia Drescher
  • Ing. Elfriede Mayr

  • DI Herbert Kasser (Chairman of the Supervisory Board)
  • Mag. Hartwig Hufnagl (Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board)
  • Gerald Schwarzenpoller, MSc
  • Mag. Christa Bock
  • DI Rolf Sint
  • Angelika Steiner, MSc., MIM

Employee representatives

  • Gabriele Straßnigg
  • Klaus Konrath
  • Claudia Wagner

  • Mag. Hartwig Hufnagl(Chairman of the Supervisory Board)
  • DI Herbert Kasser (Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board)
  • DI Volker Bidmon
  • DI Wolfgang Heckenast 
  • HR DI Josef Decker
  • Landesbaudirektor DI Andreas Tropper
  • DI Franz Schwammenhöfer
  • Christoph Bayrhammer
  • DI Thomas Keller
  • Mag. Alexander Forster

Employee representatives

  • Christian Piribauer
  • Günter Eck
  • Martin Pretterhofer
  • Johannes Trauner
  • Alexandra Adlbauer

  • Mag. Hartwig Hufnagl (Chairman of the Supervisory Board)
  • HR DI Robert Müller (Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board)
  • DI Herbert Kasser
  • Dr. Christian Konzett

Employee representatives

  • Roman Grünerbl
  • Manfred Ladner