ASFINAG Rest- and parking areas

We at ASFINAG want you and your family to arrive at your holiday destination safely. And so we have created state-of-the-art rest areas. They are an alternative to the existing service stations. They give travellers the opportunity to take a quick break.
Good to know

Our ASFINAG rest areas have drinking water wells or drinking water supply points. This allows you to refill your bottles with healthy, cool water.

ASFINAG Rest areas

Our 55 rest areas appeal to all motorists. Shower facilities for truck drivers and a drinking water supply are also available, as are seating, changing tables and, in some cases, children's playgrounds designed for adventure. With this service we round off the offers on our route network.

Because we know: only well-rested drivers are good on the road! And: We provide drivers with free internet access at a large number of rest areas and, in some cases, food and drink options. You can automatically access the ASFINAG Service Portal via WiFi and access important information, for example on the subject of tolls or the current traffic situation.

Good to know

The rest areas are equipped with defibrillators. The defibrillators are monitored around the clock by video camera and contact sensor. When the defibrillator is used, the nearest surveillance centre is automatically alerted and a first aid team is sent out.

ASFINAG Parking areas

In addition to the very well developed rest areas and service stations, we offer 106 classic parking areas. These areas have hardly infrastructure such as drinking fountains, showers and lighting. The sanitary facilities are also simpler.

Nevertheless: These locations can also be used for a short stop and they are also continuously cleaned by the teams of our motorway maintenance depots. Our plan is to gradually expand and modernize some of these 106 places and to close the other part completely. We are pursuing the strategic goal of providing sufficient rest areas as well as parking spaces for cars and trucks.