Special transports
On the ASFINAG network of roads, more than 10,000 special transports are carried out every year.Special transports (in German „Sondertransporte“, also called "Sotra") are transports whose dimensions exceed the maximum permissible limits (for weight, width, length or height) defined in the Austrian Motor Vehicles Act (Kraftfahrgesetz 1967). Accordingly, special transports require a special permit. In this context, the challenge for ASFINAG lies in providing the best possible level of service (i.e. route availability) and road safety for all road users while at the same time providing the industry with the necessary means to carry out special transports.
To carry out a special transport in Austria, a request has to be submitted to the responsible provincial government. This has to be done via the Austrian e-Government-plattform for special transports. In the course of the application, all the information necessary for the permit, such as planned route, detailed information on vehicle weight, axle loads, distance between axles and vehicle dimensions, as well as the requested driving period, has to be stated. The E-government-platform also contains useful information and links on the topic (for example a short summary of the Austrian Motor Vehicles Act, instructions for submitting a request and for using the platform, as well as information on the responsible authorities).
As the operator and maintainer of the high-profile road network in Austria, we issue a statement to the responsible authorities for every special transport request affecting our road network. Our statement is incorporated in the permit, which is issued by the responsible provincial government.
During the process of issuing statements, the special transport request is evaluated in technical and statical terms and in terms of traffic management. By the specification of requirements and constraints, it is ensured that all safety and maintenance standards are met on the affected sections of our road network. Furthermore, there are certain periods in which it is not allowed to carry out special transports (for example during rush hours and peak traffic periods like the start of the holidays or during major events). Additionally, special transports, depending on their dimensions, have to register with ASFINAG’s facilities in advance to the scheduled transport.

- Comply with the restricted periods.
- Comply with technical requirements.
- Perform the applicable registrations (according to individual permit):
- Local registrations with regional traffic management centres and road maintenance departments
- Central registration with the National traffic management centre
- Submit the applications in time, including correct and complete data.
- Include a sketch (outline) of the transport for transports with overwidth.
Registering special transports with ASFINAG
In general, special transports wider than 3,50 m and/or higher than 4,30 m are obligated to register with ASFINAG‘s regional traffic management centres and road maintenance departments (local registration). In addition, in certain cases the central registration with the National traffic management centre is also obligatory (typically for special transports wider than 5,00 m and/or heavier than 100 tons). If this is the case, it is also obligatory to communicate the actual departure time of the transport, longer breaks, as well as the arrival time of the transport.
All obligatory registrations for the particular transport (according to individual permit) can be performed at once via ASFINAG‘s Online-registration-platform (in German only). Excluded from the Online-registration-platform are registrations for tunnel crossings with necessary closures of the tunnel, registrations with Bonaventura and the announcement of tunnel crossings by telephone (height control).